Guarantee of maximum availability
with the right locking system
More Security your ATMs and safes
Do you have problems with liability issues?
Intervention runs: Do you have to keep ready extra personnel?
Do you have to keep ready extra vehicles?
Is your key management costly/time-consuming?
Are you upset about key losses?
Around-the-clock functionality must be guaranteed.
Many customers appreciate the easy handling of self-service devices, but also their availability around-the-clock seven days a week. In order to meet these demands, stand stills and downtimes must be reduced to a minimum. This is only possible if services or maintenance at the devices can be done flexibly and quickly without any procedural complications. And that even if the service provider is absent or has been changed. A service device should always be ready and functional.
Flexible employment of staff
Optimised utilization of vehicles
Logged transfer of liability
Less keys – less expenses
Mit pylocx kann hohe Verfügbarkeit gewährleistet werden. Warum das so ist erklärt Manuela Engel-Dahan, Geschäftsführerin von Lock Your World®.
pylocx pylocx is a maintenance-free locking system with a digitalised authorisation procedure. It is operated via a mobile, PIN-code protected keypad - the pyKey.
Authorisation codes are generated order-related from a central databank. An additional dual control-principle can be selected. Illegal access from the internet is impossible as the locking components are electroless and offline.
The power needed for them is provided by pyKey while it is attached to an external contact point. As an option, a smartphone can be used as operational device (NFC-technology).